Every vehicle needs a key to start the engine, and we know that each car has different keys; at least there is some difference. But what about boats? Do they have different keys? Are boat keys universal or different from each model? Let’s see quickly in a detailed way.
Boat keys are not universal; they are different for each bost. Although for the same model (boat), they might replicate the boat key in every 100 or 150 or more units. But, if you are comparing the boat key of a particular brand with other boat brands, then mostly they won’t work.
Suppose you and your friend have the same model boat, and if you try to start your friend’s boat with your boat key, it could sometimes start because they replicate the key in every 100 or 150 or more units for the same model. However, the possibility is low because the company will evenly distribute a set of boats with the same key across their dealers to prevent issues to some extent.
So, not all the boat keys are the same, but boats under the same brand could have the same key for multiple numbers of other (models) boats, or as mentioned earlier, they might replicate the boat key in every 100 or 150 or more units for the same or a different model boat in the same brand.
But, if you are comparing the boat key of a certain brand with other brand boats, mostly they won’t work because each brand will uniquely design their keys. So, each brand’s style (way of designing the boat key) will be entirely different from other brands (chiefly).
Therefore, the boat keys aren’t universal; at least not all of them are the same; they might replicate it in every 100 or 150 or more units for a model. And also, each brand will create its own version of boat keys design, which definitely won’t resemble form other brands.

Are Yamaha boat keys universal?
We will now see whether Yamaha boat keys are universal or not?
Yamaha boat keys are not universal, but not all of them are different; they might replicate the boat key in every 100 or 150 or 200 or more units for a model. And sometimes, a ceratin model boat key can be repeated for another model. So, Yamaha boat keys are not wholly different from each other.
All the Yamaha boat keys are not the same or not entirely different from other Yamaha boat keys. For example, the key from Yamaha’s 2001 60hp 2 stroke works on 2016 250 SHO. And the key that fits in Yamaha’s 2000 & 2400v models also fits in Yamaha’s F250, 2009, 2200XL, and F150 models (source).
This means if you and your friend are having the same boat (Yamaha SX250 boat, for example) and if you try using your key in your friend’s boat, it can sometimes work because they replicate the boat key in every 100 or 150 or 200 or more units for a model.
However, the probability is very low because the Yamaha company (and other brands as well) will evenly distribute a set of boats having the same key across their dealers in the country to avoid boat thefts or any other problems in the future to some extent.
Similarly, the same key you are having might not work for the other boat of the same model. The same key can still work for other Yamaha model boats because they also replicate a certain model boat key with other model boats, so one model Yamaha boat key can rarely work in other models too.
Therefore, the Yamaha boat keys are not universal, or not all of them are the same.
What to do after losing a boat key?
It’s effortless to drop your keys from your pocket or while being in the water on board. Once they slip, it’s quite a challenging task to find them, and in most cases, you may not retrieve them back. So, what to do if you lost your boat keys? Let’s see quickly in a detailed way.
- First, call the local boat dealers if you know the key identification number.
- Otherwise, try different keys that fit in the lock.
- Call the locksmith if that doesn’t work.
- Just change the whole ignition switch to quickly get a pair of new keys if you don’t want to do the above steps.
Those are the 4 steps one can follow if anyone lost their boat keys. That being said, we will now quickly look into those in a detailed way.
1. Call the local boat dealers if you know the key identification number

A key identification number (key number) is a numeric code (or alphanumeric code sometimes) that can be used to identify the boat key. In the above image, you can see the key identification number. Check this Wikipedia page for more info; click here.
You can find the key identification number on the key itself (or by removing the rubber/plastic on the top). And clearly, you can’t do that if you lost the key. The second option is to unscrew the ignition switch and then look for the key identification number inside.
If you get the key identification number, then contact the local boat dealer (local Yamaha dealer, if you are using a Yamaha boat). And tell that key identification number to the dealer so that the dealer can order a new key based on the key identification number of the lost key.
Sometimes, the whole process can take time if the key is not available instantly. So, if you are very excited (keen) about boating and can’t wait until that time, you can try other options below to get the key quickly.
Check this helpful & short video on Key identification number on a boat key and how to identify the key identification number inside the ignition switch if you lost the key.
2. Otherwise, try different keys that fit in the lock
Somehow if you are unable to find the key identification number (even inside the ignition switch, for which the probability is very less), try using different keys available to start the boat.
Testing with different keys may sound like a little funny approach, but it’s a fair solution to fix the problem. If you are lucky enough, trying other keys that fit well in the ignition lock cylinder (the place where you will put the key to start the boat) may start your boat.
Although there is one caveat to this, it can sometimes damage the ignition lock cylinder (the place where you will put the key to start the boat) if you use other keys many times (by pushing it to the max limits). So, try to use the key that fits well and don’t force it, though, to prevent any damages.
3. Call the locksmith if that doesn’t work
Calling the locksmith will be the first idea that strikes many people’s heads when they lost their keys; it can be a car, house, or any. The same people may also help in resolving the boat key issue as well.
You can call a locksmith to make a new key for your boat. Depending on the place you live, it can sometimes be an expensive job (calling the locksmith). Wanting an experienced and professional locksmith can result in paying $30 or $40 or more per hour nowadays.
Even if you’ve used (know) a locksmith for your car or home, and have a good experience, consider calling that locksmith again. They might offer boat key services as well (source). So, calling the locksmith is also a good solution to fix the lost boat key issue.
4. Change the whole ignition switch to get a pair of new keys quickly
If you don’t want to spend time searching for your lost boat key or searching for the key identification number inside the ignition switch, or calling the locksmith, the other best option is to change the whole ignition switch completely. Sometimes, it can be less expensive than calling a locksmith.
You will get a good ignition switch if you invest $50 or less (although you can get one for $20 or $30) along with a pair of keys. It’s actually a good option (to change the ignition switch entirely) rather than searching for the key for a long time or calling the locksmith.
If you take the boat to the boat dealer, he can change the entire ignition switch in less than 10 or 20 minutes, and it will take less money than other options if you don’t go for an expensive ignition switch. If you know the process, then it’ll take much less time and money.
The takeaway from the post
The boat keys are not universal; they have different keys for each boat. But for the same model boat, they might replicate the boat key in every 100 or 150 or more units. But, for example, if you are comparing a Yamaha boat key with other brands (other than Yamaha), mostly they won’t work.
However, in Yamaha boats, they might replicate the boat key in every 100 or 150 or 200 or more units for a model. So a ceratin Yamaha model boat key can be repeated for another Yamaha model boat. So, Yamaha boat keys are not wholly different from each other.
Here are the essential steps to follow if you lost your boat keys.
- First, call the local boat dealers if you know the key identification number.
- Otherwise, try different keys that fit in the lock.
- Call the locksmith if that doesn’t work.
- Just change the whole ignition switch to quickly get a pair of new keys if you don’t want to do the above steps.