Here are boating license requirements to drive a jet ski in all the states of the USA.
A boating license is required to operate jet ski (PWC). But, not all the states needed to have a boating license to operate jet ski (PWC); instead, a Boater’s education card is enough. The majority of the states are okay with Boater’s education card (boating safety certificate).
Many states don’t require a boating license to operate a jet ski (PWC); instead, you need a boater’s education card (boating safety certificate) to operate a jet ski (PWC). Most of the states apply the same rule as that for boats as well.
Generally, there’s a confusion between a boating license vs. boater’s education card (boating safety certificate). A boating license is entirely different from both of them (boater’s education card or boating safety certificate).
According to boat-ed, A state’s Boater Education Card is proof that you have completed an approved boating safety course. Since the boater education card does not expire and does not need to be renewed, it is not called a Boating License.
It is highly recommended to take a boating license to operate a jet ski. Suppose you’re planning on going boating quite often and in many different places. In that case, it is suggested that you complete a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boating course.
By taking a NASBLA course, you can take jet ski or boat in all the states of the USA. By having a boating license, you can drive both the jet ski and boat. So, it is good to apply for a boating license.
Related posts – license and registration requirements for a kayak click here, license and registration requirements for a canoe click here, and license requirements for renting a boat click here (opens in a new tab) to know whether you need a boating license to rent a boat if you visit any other state.

Boat license requirements to drive a jet ski in the USA (all states)
Make sure you take an approved boating safety course before driving a jet ski (PWC). In the below table, the rules apply to PWC as well.
STATE | Need a boating license to drive a jet ski? | Minimum age requirements |
ALABAMA | YES (Boating license (Alabama Boat Operator Certificate) is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Alabama) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Alabama is 14 years, and an adult of at least 21 years old should supervise a child between 12 and 13 years old. |
ALASKA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Alaska) | There is no minimum age requirement to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Alaska. |
ARIZONA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Arizona) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Arizona is 12 years, and an adult of at least 18 years old should supervise a child below 12 years old. |
ARKANSAS | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Arkansas if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1986) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Arkansas is 16 years, and an adult should supervise a child below 16 years old. |
CALIFORNIA | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of California if your age is below 35) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of California is 16 years, and an adult should supervise a child below 16 years old. |
COLORADO | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Colorado if your age is above 16) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Colorado is 14 years, and a child aged between 14 – 15 should complete an approved complete a boating safety course to operate a jet ski (PWC). |
CONNECTICUT | YES (Boating license (Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation) is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Connecticut who is planning to boat more than 60 days out of the year | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Connecticut is 16 years. An adult of 18 years or older with a certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation should supervise a child below 16 years old. |
DELAWARE | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Delaware if you born on or after Jan 1, 1978) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Delaware is 14 years, and a child age between 14 – 15 should complete an approved complete a boating safety course to operate a jet ski (PWC). Boaters above 16 years of age who hold a boating safety certification card may operate a jet ski (PWC) without any restrictions or supervision. |
FLORIDA | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Florida if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1988) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Florida is 14 years. |
GEORGIA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Georgia. But the boater’s need to take DNR-approved boater education course to operate a jet ski (PWC) if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1988) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Georgia is 14 years. 1. Boaters below 12 years old or younger can operate ski boat (PWC) length if they are accompanied by an adult. 2. Boaters between the ages of 12 and 15 can operate a jet ski (PWC) if they are accompanied by an adult or passed a boating education course approved by the DNR. 3. Boaters 16 years old or older may operate a ski boat (PWC) in Georgia if they have an identification card (ID) with them. |
HAWAII | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Hawaii, and you should complete two courses to get a boating license in Hawaii. One course is based on basic ski boat (PWC) use and the second is about towing operations) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Hawaii is 15 years. |
IDAHO | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state Idaho. But those who rent jet skies (PWCs) are required to carry the Idaho verification of education card) | There is no minimum age requirement to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Idaho. |
ILLINOIS | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state Illinois if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1998) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Illinois is 10 years. 1. Boaters between the ages of 10 and 12 can operate a ski boat (PWC) as long as they are accompanied by an adult over the age of 18. 2. Boaters between the ages of 12 and 17 can operate a ski boat (PWC) if they have successfully completed a boating safety course approved by the Department of Natural Resources 3. Boaters 18 years old or older may operate a ski boat (PWC) without restrictions. |
INDIANA | NO (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Indiana. But the boater’s need to pass an approved boater safety course if you are at least 15 years old to operate a ski boat (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Indiana is 15 years. |
IOWA | NO (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Iowa. But the boater’s need to pass an approved boater safety course if the boater age is between 12 – 17 to operate a ski boat (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Iowa is 12 years. An adult of 18 years or older with a Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation should supervise a child below 12 years old. |
KANSAS | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Kansas. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boater safety course if the boater age is between 12 – 20 to operate a ski boat (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Kansas is 12 years, and an adult of 18 years or older should supervise a child below 12 years old. |
KENTUCKY | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Kentucky) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Kentucky is 12 years, and an adult of 18 years or older who possesses a boater education card should supervise if the boater age is between 12 – 17 years. |
LOUISIANA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Lousiana. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boater education course to operate a jet ski (PWC) if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1984) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Louisiana is 16 years |
MAINE | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Maine. But for boaters between the ages of 16 and 17 should complete a boating safety course if they want to operate a ski boat (PWC) unsupervised) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Maine is 16 years, and an adult of 18 years or older who possesses a boater education card should supervise if the boater age is between 16 and 17 years. |
MARYLAND | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Maryland. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boater education course to operate a jet ski (PWC) if you are born on or after Jul 1, 1972) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Maryland is 16 years. |
MASSACHUSETTS | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Massachusetts. But for boaters between the ages of 16 and 17 must complete an approved boating safety course to operate a ski boat (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Massachusetts is 16 years, and an adult of 18 years or older should supervise a child below 12 years old. |
MICHIGAN | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Michigan. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating course if the boater is born after Dec 31, 1978, to operate a jet ski (PWC) in Michigan) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Michigan is 12 years. 1. An adult should supervise a boater between the age 12 and 13. 2. Boaters between the ages of 12 & 13 and born after Jan 1, 1999, should complete an approved boating safety course. |
MINNESOTA | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Minnesota for boaters between the ages of 12 and 17 years) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Minnesota is 13 years, and an adult of 21 years or older should supervise a boater between the ages 14 and 17 years OR no need if the boats have a Minnesota Watercraft Operator’s Permit. |
MISSISSIPPI | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Mississippi if you are born after Jun 30, 1980) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Mississippi is 12 years, and an adult of 21 years or older should supervise a child below 12 years old. |
MISSOURI | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Missouri if you are born after Jan 1, 1984) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Missouri is 14 years and should be supervised by at least 16 years old. |
MONTANA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Montana instead you need a motorboat operators safety certificate) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Montana is 13 years, and boater between the ages 13 and 14 should complete an approved boating safety course to operate a ski boat (PWC) unsupervised. |
NEBRASKA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Nebraska. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course if you are born after Dec 31, 1985) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Nebraska is 14 years. |
NEVADA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Nevada. But the boater’s need to complete a Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) course if the boater is born after Jan 1, 1983, to operate a jet ski (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Nevada is 14 years. |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New Hampshire) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New Hampshire is 16 years, and an adult should supervise a child below 16 years old. |
NEW JERSEY | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New Jersey) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New Jersey is 16 years. |
NEW MEXICO | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New Mexico if they are born after Jan 1, 1989) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New Mexico is 13 years and should be accompanied by an adult. |
NEW YORK | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New York. But the boater’s need to complete a Boating Safety Education Course to operate a jet ski (PWC) on NYS waters) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of New York is 14 years. |
NORTH CAROLINA | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of North Carolina if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1988) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of North Carolina is 14 years. |
NORTH DAKOTA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of North Dakota. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course if the boaters age is between 12 and 15 years to operate a jet ski (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of North Dakota is 12 years, and an adult of 18 years or older should supervise if the boater age is between 12 and 14 years. |
OHIO | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Ohio if you born on or after Jan 1, 1982) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Ohio is 12 years, and an adult should supervise if the boater age is between 12 and 15 years. Boater age above 15 can operate a jet ski (PWC) if the operator has completed a boating safety course |
OKLAHOMA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Oklahoma. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course to operate a jet ski (PWC) if your age is between 12 and 15) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Oklahoma is 12 years, and an adult should supervise if the boater if age is between 12 and 15 years. |
OREGON | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Oregon. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course to operate a jet ski (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Oregon is 16 years. |
PENNSYLVANIA | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Pennsylvania. In addition to that, you need to have a boating safety education certificate to operate a jet ski (PWC) in Pennsylvania) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Pennsylvania is 12 years. |
RHODE ISLAND | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Rhode Island, and you need to complete a boating safety course if you are born after Jan 1, 1986) | There are no minimum age requirements to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Rhode Island. |
SOUTH CAROLINA | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of South Carolina) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of South Carolina is 16 years, and an adult should supervise a child below 16 years old. |
SOUTH DAKOTA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of South Dakota) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of South Dakota is 14 years, and an adult of 18 years or older should supervise a child below 14 years old. |
TENNESSEE | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Tennessee. But the boater’s need to complete a boating safety education if you are born on or after Jan 1st, 1989) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Tennessee is 12 years. |
TEXAS | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Texas if you are born on or after Sep 1, 1993) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Texas is 13 years, and an adult of 18 years or older should supervise a child below 13 years old. |
UTAH | YES (Boating license is required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Utah) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Utah is 12 years, and an adult of 18 years or older should supervise if the boater age is between 12 and 14. And above 18 can operate a ski boat (PWC) without restrictions. |
VERMONT | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Vermont. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course to operate a jet ski (PWC) if you are born after Jan 1, 1974) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Vermont is 16 years. |
VIRGINIA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Virginia. But the boater’s need to take an approved boating safety course to operate a jet ski or (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Virginia is 14 years and should take proper boating courses prior. |
WASHINGTON | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Washington. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course to operate a jet ski (PWC)) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Washington is 14 with a boater education card. |
WEST VIRGINIA | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of West Virginia. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1987) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of West Virginia is 12 years. Children between the age of 12 and 14 should be are accompanied by a certified adult. |
WISCONSIN | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Wisconsin. But the boater’s need to complete an approved boating safety course if you are born on or after Jan 1, 1989) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Wisconsin is 12 years. Children between the age of 12 and 14 can operate a jet ski (PWC) after completing a boating safety course). |
WYOMING | NO (Boating license is not required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Wyoming) | The minimum age required to operate a jet ski (PWC) in the state of Wyoming is 16 years, and children below 16 years should be accompanied by a certified adult of at least 18 years old. |
Bottom line
Suppose you’re planning on going boating quite often and in many different places. In that case, it is suggested that you complete a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boating course. By taking a NASBLA course, you can take jet ski or boat in all the states of the USA.
Check my article on Title requirements for a boat to know whether you need a title for a boat or not.