Here are boating license requirements to rent a boat in all the states of the USA.
A boating license is not required to rent a boat in all the sates (except few). But, many states are required you to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat. Some of the states needed to complete a small test while renting a boat.
Mostly, you need to complete an approved boating course to rent a boat. But, some states are required to complete a boating course in their state to rent a boat. Meaning if you are migrated to some other state, then you need to complete a small boating safety course to rent a boat in the state you migrated.
Still, it depends on boat rentals as well. Some boat rentals may accept to rent a boat without a boat license, and some rentals may not allow renting a boat without a boat license (due to some policy or any other). The essential thing is you should be educated as well to rent a boat.
If you don’t have any prior knowledge of boating, then it is tough to rent a boat. Suppose you’re planning on going boating quite often and in many different places. In that case, it is suggested that you complete a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boating course.
Related posts – Boat license requirements for a jet ski (PWC) click here, license and registration requirements for a kayak click here, and license and registration requirements for a canoe click here (opens in a new tab).

Boat license requirements to rent a boat in the USA (all states)
Again ask the boat rentals as well before going and renting a boat directly. Some boat rentals need a boat license to rent a boat, and some don’t need a boat license to rent a boat.
STATE | Need a boating license to rent a boat? | Minimum age requirements |
ALABAMA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Alabama) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat, 12 – 13 years must be accompanied by 21 years licensed person on board |
ALASKA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Alaska) | No minimum age requirements |
ARIZONA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Arizona) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 8 hp, 12 – 13 years must be accompanied by 21 years licensed person on board |
ARKANSAS | N/A | At least 14 years old to operate a boat above 10 hp |
CALIFORNIA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of California) | At least 16 years old to operate a boat above 15 hp, 12 – 15 years must be accompanied by at least 18 years old person |
COLORADO | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Colorado) | At least 14 years old to operate a boat and should complete a boating safety course |
CONNECTICUT | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Connecticut. If you are renting a vessel for more than 14 days, then you need a certificate.) | At least 16 years old to operate a boat on their own and children under the age of 12 may operate vessels with up to 10 hp |
DELAWARE | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Delaware) | At least 14 years old to operate a boat and should complete a boating safety course |
FLORIDA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Florida. But you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat if you are born after Jan 2, 1988, to rent a boat in Florida) | At least 14 years old to operate a boat |
GEORGIA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Georgia. But you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat above 10 hp and age should be greater than 16) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat |
HAWAII | N/A | At least 15 years old to operate a boat |
IDAHO | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Idaho) | No minimum age requirements |
ILLINOIS | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Illinois) | No minimum age requirements |
INDIANA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Indiana) | At least 15 years old to operate a boat and should complete a boating safety course |
IOWA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Iowa. But you need a valid drivers license and age should be 21 to rent a boat in Iowa) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 10 hp and children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult on board |
KANSAS | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Kansas. But you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat if you are born after Jan 1, 1989) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat |
KENTUCKY | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Kentucky) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 10 hp |
LOUISIANA | N/A | At least 16 years old to operate a boat and should complete a boating safety course |
MAINE | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Maine) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat |
MARYLAND | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Maryland. But you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat if you are born after Jul 1, 1972) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat |
MASSACHUSETTS | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Massachusetts) | No minimum age requirements |
MICHIGAN | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Michigan. But your age should be 25 or above to rent a boat) | At least 14 years old to operate a boat |
MINNESOTA | N/A | At least 12 years old to operate a boat |
MISSISSIPPI | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Mississippi. But you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat if you are born after Jun 1, 1980) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat and should complete a boating safety course |
MISSOURI | N/A | At least 14 years old to operate a boat and should be accompanied by at least 16 years old person |
NEBRASKA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Nebraska. But you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat if you are born after Dec 31, 1985) | At least 14 years old to operate a boat |
NEVADA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Nevada) | At least 14 years old to operate a boat |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | N/A | At least 16 years old to operate a boat and should be accompanied by an adult |
NEW JERSEY | N/A | At least 12 years old to operate a boat that is longer than 12 feet and has more than 10 hp |
NEW MEXICO | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of New Mexico) | At least 13 years old to operate a boat |
NEW YORK | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of New York if you are age is above 18. If your age is below 18, you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat) | At least 10 years old to operate a boat and should complete a boating safety course |
NORTH CAROLINA | Boat operators in North Carolina must have obtained their North Carolina Boater Education Certificate to rent a boat in the state of North Carolina. | At least 14 years old to operate a boat and should be accompanied by an adult |
NORTH DAKOTA | N/A | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 10 hp |
OHIO | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Ohio. But you need to complete an approved boating education course to rent a boat if you are born after Jan 2, 1982, to rent a boat above 10 hp in Ohio) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat |
OKLAHOMA | N/A | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 10 hp |
OREGON | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Oregon. But you need Oregon boater education card and carry it onboard OR complete a watercraft rental safety checklist and carry proof of completion onboard) | At least 16 years old to operate a boat and should be accompanied by an adult if the children age under 16 |
PENNSYLVANIA | N/A | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 25 hp |
RHODE ISLAND | N/A | No minimum age requirements |
SOUTH CAROLINA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of South Carolina) | No minimum age requirements |
SOUTH DAKOTA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of South Dakota) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 6 hp |
TENNESSEE | YES (Boating license is required to rent a boat in the state of Tennesse. If you want to rent a boat and if you are born after Jan 1, 1989, you need to take the test to operate a boat above 8.5 hp) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 8.5 hp |
TEXAS | YES (Boating license is required to rent a boat in the state of Texas if you are born after Sep 1, 1993) | At least 16 years old to operate a boat above 15 hp |
UTAH | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Utah) | At least 16 years old to operate a boat and should be accompanied by at least 18 old if the children age under 16 |
VERMONT | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Vermont) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 6 hp |
VIRGINIA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Virginia) | At least 14 years old to operate a boat and should complete a boating safety course |
WASHINGTON | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Washington) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 15 hp |
WEST VIRGINIA | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of West Virginia) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat above 10 hp |
WISCONSIN | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Wisconsin) | At least 12 years old to operate a boat |
WYOMING | NO (Boating license is not required to rent a boat in the state of Wyoming) | At least 16 years old to operate a boat and should be accompanied by an adult |
Bottom line
Since the requirement of a boat license depends on the boat rentals as well. So, ask them as well. Also, check the requirements by each state click here and boat education requirements for each state click here.